463rd Group Pictorial History CD

* Order Form *

Joel Swindlehurst, son of Roy Swindlehurst 772nd, and Group Historian has
compiled a pictorial history of the 463rd Bombardment Group on a CD that
is now available. There are over 2000 images on the CD, most are photographs
that were taken by members of the 463rd during their tours of duty during WW II.
If you would like a copy of your own, just print this page and complete the form.
A donation of $5 US per CD  will cover the production and mailing costs.

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Please check which volume(s) and how many of each CD you wish to receive.

Volume 1 ______

Volume 2 ______

Volume 3 ______

Volume 4 ______

 Total      _______             Amount Due ($5.00 Per CD)  _______


Name ___________________________________________________________

Street Address____________________________________________________
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City  State  Zip Code ________________________________________________
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E-Mail (Optional) ____________________________________________________
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Send your check made out to the 463rd Bomb Group to :
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463rd Bomb Group
P.O. Box 502
Hines, OR.   97738

  NOTE: Volume 5 of the CD will be advertised on the web site as well as in the newsletter when there are sufficient photos received to more completely fill the CD. If you have photos you would like to submit, contact Joel at History463rd@yahoo.com . All photos will be returned to you immediately after scanning is completed.

Print this form and return it with you check to the address above