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463rd Bombardment Group Crew Photos
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Many of the photos are named for the crew member who submitted the photo.
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Front Row :
Lt. Robert W. Kaub      Pilot   " CISCO"
Lt. Leslie E                   Co-Pilot     "CHUCK"
Lt. Thomas F. Cavanagh       Navigator     "BRAINS"
Lt. Chas S. Grower           Bombadier      'RED'
SSgt Rich O. Wright        Engineer          "OKIE"

Back Row :
Frank L..Howell     Radio        "LORD"
Cecil Raley Jr       Armourer       "HAPPY BOTTOM"
Rosco L Overton     Upper turrett   "ROSCO"
Roy G Munsey     Lower Ball      "BABY"
Robert G. Lee       Tail gun          "FRENCHIE"

Photo courtesy of Thomas K. Cavanagh, Son of Thomas F. Cavanagh., 773rd

463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711