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463rd Bombardment Group Crew Photos
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Many of the photos are named for the crew member who submitted the photo.
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Standing L - R:  Fred Ward (waist gunner); Lawrence Dodson (pilot); Raymond Clark (navigator) Don Vande Gard (engineer); Joe Knapp (pilot);
Kneeling L-R: Lloyd Conroy (ball turrent); Pete DeChellis (tail gunner);
Ted Pawlikowski (waist gunner);
Not Pictured: Sylvan Levy (bombardier); David Lawrence (radio operator)

Photo Courtesy:   Nora Patton-Taylor

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Standing L - R:  David Lawrence (radio operator); Joe Knapp (pilot); Lawrence Dodson (pilot); Raymond Clark (navigator); Sylvan Levy (bombardier)
Kneeling L-R: Pete DeChellis (tail gunner);Fred Ward (waist gunner); Ted Pawlikowski (waist gunner);Lloyd Conroy (ball turrent); Don Vande Gard (engineer)

Photo Courtesy:   Raymond Clark 772nd

463rd Historical Society
P.O. Box 11045
Santa Ana, Ca. 92711